You're focused on growing.
Downloads, sales, partnerships.
The ads, the funnels, the copy, the emails. Get them to checkout. Get that download. Get your costs down. Push.
But what happens after? The moment after your new customer downloads, or purchases, how do they feel?
Are they excited? Did they immediately forget about you?
Do they... uh, do they regret it?
We forget about what happens after the sale, even though it's the most important part of your customer's journey.
You see, it's then that your customer is feeling vulnerable. Exposed. They just shelled out for your product, and they need to be reassured that they made the right choice. Your next email is so important. It has to be more than a receipt, it has to be a celebration.
A good post purchase email should:
1. Mitigate buyers remorse by reaffirming your value prop.
We're all shopping online a lot more. You have to anticipate that maaaybe your new customer's purchase wasn't a considered one. They might have just pulled the trigger quickly and immediately worried they'd made the wrong call. Your receipt or welcome email should reaffirm their purchase and make them feel confident in your brand. You can do this in a small way like Stagg's cheeky headline.

2. Celebrate your new customer joining your community.
Your excitement should be authentic and contagious. If you're not happy they've joined you, they sure as hell won't be. Your welcome email is your first real impression, make sure your customer sees your brand, and feels like they belong.

3. Chart their course
Now that they feel confident and excited, your next job now is to mitigate fear and confusion. None of this "click here to get started" bullshit, humans need clarity— get specific. Ask yourself, after someone has invested in my product or service, what exactly do they need to know next?

Now, it's your turn. Your growth homework for today, if you choose to accept it:
Take an hour this week to review your welcome and receipt emails. Make sure you're hitting the above 3 points. Rewrite if you need to.